The UC Davis Olive Center is hosting the International Olive Sustainability Conference this September, click here to learn more and register

Olive Fly Management – Workshop

Olive fly examples

Event Date

UC Davis Olive Center at the Robert Mondavi Institute, Sensory Building

Olive fly (Bactrocera oleae) can have a devastating effect on olive oil quality. This workshop is for producers who want to learn how to manage olive fly in their orchards. We will cover the biology of the pest, its history in California and how to monitor for its presence. We will also talk about different control strategies used in both organic and conventional orchards. The effects of olive fly damage on the oil and how to assess and deal with it is also on the agenda. This workshop will be practical and interactive sharing on-the-ground experience managing this pest in California.

For more information, please contact Adele Amico Roxas at


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